The integration of itemis CREATE with RTOS (Real-Time Operating System) like Zephyr, FreeRTOS, ThreadX (Azure RTOS), or others allows embedded developers to manage state transitions based on real-time events and timer-driven tasks efficiently. By leveraging RTOS tasks or threads, itemis CREATE’s generated code can seamlessly respond to system events and timing requirements.
Note: In the following threads will be used, but it can also be replaced with tasks.
RTOS message queues serve as the bridge between RTOS threads and the state machine, ensuring that events and timer updates are processed efficiently without blocking other system operations. Every participant uses the in event queue to store incoming events that will be raised in the state machine. Outgoing events are pushed into a out event queue, which allows the client to process them spearately. The flow is shown in the image below:
RTOS Queues
The image shows a flowchart representing the integration of RTOS elements with itemis CREATE’s state machine. Here’s a description of each component:
This setup illustrates a structured event-driven architecture where inputs are queued, processed by a state machine, and then sent to an output queue.
The Example Code section provides a pseudo-implementation of an RTOS setup that integrates with a state machine. Please refer to the linked examples for concrete implementations for freeRTOS and Zephyr. This setup includes separate threads for managing timers, inputs, outputs and the state machine itself. Here’s a breakdown of each thread’s purpose:
The Timer Thread runs every 100 ms, using a defined interval (TIMER_THREAD_TIME_MS). Within its callback function, it sends a timer event (updateTimerServiceID) to the input queue, which is then processed by the state machine to keep track of timed actions.
#define TIMER_THREAD_TIME_MS 100 // every 100 ms
TimerThread timerThread(timer_thread_callback, TIMER_THREAD_TIME_MS);
void timer_thread_callback()
int event_id = updateTimerServiceID;
queue_push(&inEventQueue, event_id);
The Input Thread continuously monitors for specific events (e.g., event1 and event2). When an event occurs, it pushes the corresponding event ID into the input queue (inEventQueue). This allows the state machine to handle various external inputs as they occur.
Thread input_thread(input_thread_callback);
void input_thread_callback() {
while (1) {
if (event1) {
int event_id = inEvent1ID;
queue_push(&inEventQueue, eventId);
if (event2) {
int event_id = inEvent2ID;
queue_push(&inEventQueue, eventId);
The State Machine Thread handles events from the input queue. It retrieves events using queue_pop, and based on the event ID, it either updates the timer service or raises specific events (inEvent1 or inEvent2) in the state machine. This thread allows the state machine to process events sequentially, making it responsive to both time-based and input-triggered events.
Thread statemachine_thread(statemachine_thread_callback, statemachine);
void statemachine_thread_callback(void *arg)
StateMachine *statemachine = (StateMachine *)arg;
while (1)
int receivedInEventID = queue_pop(&inEventQueue);
if (receivedInEventID == updateTimerServiceID)
sc_timer_service_proceed(&timer_service, TIMER_THREAD_TIME_MS);
else if (receivedInEventID == inEvent1ID)
else if (receivedInEventID == inEvent2ID)
yield(); // or sleep
The Output Thread handles events generated by the state machine and stored in the output queue (outEventQueue). This thread listens for outgoing events and takes appropriate actions, such as interacting with actuators.
This setup allows the system to handle output events asynchronously, ensuring that actions triggered by the state machine’s outputs are executed independently.
void on_outEvent1(StateMachine* handle) {
int event_id = outEvent1ID;
queue_push(&outEventQueue, eventId);
void on_outEvent2(StateMachine* handle, sc_integer value) {
int event_id = outEvent2ID;
queue_push(&outEventQueue, eventId);
void subscribe_observers(StateMachine *handle, sc_single_subscription_observer *outEvent1Observer, sc_single_subscription_observer_sc_integer *outEvent2Observer) {
sc_single_subscription_observer_init(outEvent1Observer, handle, (sc_observer_next_fp) on_outEvent1);
sc_single_subscription_observer_subscribe(outEvent1Observer, &handle->iface.outEvent1);
sc_single_subscription_observer_sc_integer_init(outEvent2Observer, handle, (sc_observer_next_fp) on_outEvent2);
sc_single_subscription_observer_sc_integer_subscribe(outEvent2Observer, &handle->iface.outEvent2);
Thread output_thread(output_thread_callback);
void output_thread_callback() {
while (1)
int receivedOutEventID = queue_pop(&inEventQueue);
if (receivedOutEventID == outEvent1ID) {
// handle outEvent1, e.g. turn on an actuator
} else if (receivedOutEventID == outEvent2ID) {
// handle outEvent2, e.g. turn off an actuator
To demonstrate integrating itemis CREATE’s state machine with an RTOS, there are two examples: one for Zephyr and one for FreeRTOS. These examples show how to set up a complete RTOS-based application with event-driven state machine handling.
The provided examples include a main function that wraps all components together. This main function configures the necessary threads for timer, input, state machine, and output handling. Each thread is assigned specific tasks to manage incoming and outgoing events in real-time, using message queues for efficient communication.
Here’s a brief breakdown of the main components in each example:
These examples offer a clear overview of RTOS integration with itemis CREATE, making it straightforward for developers to implement similar architectures on their own targets. The code structure provides a robust foundation for creating responsive, event-driven applications in both Zephyr and FreeRTOS environments.
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