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itemis CREATE is a great tool for teaching and learning software development based on the concept of statecharts. It is both easy to use and powerful as it allows you to model embedded and IoT systems and its components in a graphical way. itemis CREATE supports simulation, and code generation for Java, C, C++ and other programming languages as well as additional tools for debugging and tracing.

itemis CREATE for Universities provides ready-to-use packs which makes teaching and learning easier for professors and students.

What Our Academic Users Say

  • I like itemis CREATE a lot, especially the fact that it is simple and direct, and it is not burdened with some of the more advanced, expensive and heavy features of other professional Statechart tools.

    Professor David Harel, Vice President Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Israel
    Photo:  CC BY 2.0
  • itemis CREATE is a sophisticated tool that corresponds to the state of the art in model driven software development.

    Professor Tom Mens, Full professor at University of Mons (UMons), Belgium
  • I am very pleased to hear compliments from my colleagues about itemis CREATE and actually I feel the same when using it with my students.

    Professor Burkhard Igel, Fachhochschule Dortmund - Informationstechnik, Germany
  • I have been using itemis CREATE for teaching RTOS scheduling concepts and having very good results with the students. It is not only an amazing development tool, but also an amazing teaching tool.

    Hugo Vieira Neto, Professor of Computer Vision at UTFPR
  • As an algorithm engineer at the Weizmann Institute of Science, I use itemis CREATE for supporting the researchers in our group and for modeling purposes. I find the tool very friendly and easy to use. It provide a good coverage of the Statechart semantics as well as additional engineering tools required for, e.g., debugging and tracing. Finally, the itemis CREATE team is extremely supportive and attentive to our needs.

    Smadar Szekely, R & D Manager and Software Engineer
  • I use itemis CREATE mainly for teaching purposes. For Java software development, it is the best tool I could find that supports statechart simulation, execution and code generation. Its learning curve for students with little background is also fairly lightweight, given the intuitive interface. I particularly like itemis CREATE's simulation features, it helps tremendously to understand and improve statechart model design.

    Tom Mens, Prof. Dr. in Software Engineering at UMONS

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