The extensible architecture of itemis ANALYZE ensures maximum flexibility
DENSO decided on itemis ANALYZE as a lightweight and innovative way to address the challenge. The support of invasive and non-invasive relationships in addition to the ability to derive relations from arbitrary information, as well as from its own data storage, made it the winning choice.
The enormous flexibility provided by the extensible architecture, and the ability to integrate arbitrary tools were important features of the tool for DENSO. Thus, today, existing traceability functionalities of tools such as MKS / PTC Integrity can be optimally exploited and traceability extended to other tools through the complementary tool adapter.
The specified development process is configured at the end in itemis ANALYZE to allow for rapid adaptation if required. Likewise, specific report templates were created in collaboration with itemis to support the system development process.
DENSO made the following demands on the needed traceability tool:
- Flexibility provides by an extensible architecture
- Completeness of traceability over the entire toolchain
- Report templates support the system development process
- Easy navigation and visualization
Simple and understandable application results in high satisfaction
The feedback from the engineers at DENSO is consistently positive: In addition to verifying whether, and how requirements are already implemented, they can now also switch quickly between tools and disciplines. Apart from the easy maintenance of relationships, the impressive navigation and visualization make the complexity of today‘s systems easier to see and more tangible. After completion of a three-month project, DENSO now have continuous traceability of their requirements.
Developers, therefore, are now faster due to continuous operations based on reliability, clarity and resilience. According to DENSO, itemis ANALYZE made the specified development process even better and easier.