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Generate Qt C++ state machine code from statecharts

The Qt framework provides a rich set of concepts which define how applications are implemented. Among these concept “signals and slots” is surely the most central one. Signals and slots allow objects of any kind to communicate with each other in a loosely coupled fashion. itemis CREATE provides a Qt specific C++ code generator that generates Qt style state machine code from state diagrams.

Signals and slots are a perfect match to statechart events. A state machine typically reacts to incoming events which trigger state transitions. It can also raise outgoing events which can be processed by other objects. So out events defined in a statechart match to signals in Qt and in events correspond to slots.

Qt Event Mapping To Signals and Slots

This simple example statechart defines the incoming event ping and the outgoing event pong. These events directly map to the ping slot and pong signal in the Qt class definition.

When the statechart raises an outgoing event e.g. raise pong then this translates to emit pong(); in the generated state machine code. So events support the same level of abstraction and loose coupling of objects as signals and slots do. And this is exactly what the itemis CREATE code generator for Qt supports: Simply generate the C++ code from the state machine diagram and use it like any other class in Qt.

Statechart modeling rules

You can use any itemis CREATE default statechart as input. Nevertheless you should consider the following rules:

  1. The statechart should be event driven. This fits best to the event driven nature of the Qt framework. So don’t forget to add the @EventDriven annotation to the statechart if it’s not already in place. If you omit this then the generated state machine will follow cycle based execution semantics and will wait for a call to its runCycle() method.

  2. Currently the ‘default statechart domain’ with the simple type system is supported with the following type mapping rules between statechart and C++ types:
    1. integer maps to int
    2. real maps to double
    3. boolean maps to bool
    4. string maps to char*

Except for these rules there is nothing else that must be considered. You can simply use any modeling feature. Support for QString and access to other C++ types using the deep C++ integration will be added in future versions.

Integrating the generated state machine

As stated above integration of the generated state machine is straightforward if you are familiar with the Qt framework. (Please refer to the Qt documentation if this is not the case). Of course there are a few steps required to setup the state machine.

1. Allocate the state machine instance

First the state machine instance must be allocated. You have the choice to do that dynamically or statically.

PingPong *machine = new PingPong(someParent);

The generator will generate a PingPong class from the identically named statechart. It inherits from QObject and you can initialize the instance with a parent.

2. Setup timer service

The example statechart uses an after trigger to specify timed state transitions. If after or every time triggers are used then the generated state machine requires a timer service.

ysc::SCTimerService *timerService = new ysc::SCTimerService(machine);   

There is a predefined timer service implementation SCTimerService which can directly be used. It makes use of QTimer. Simply allocate an instance and call the state machines setTimer() method with a pointer to that timer service. The timer service can be used for any number of state machine instances.

3. Connect signals and slots
Connect the machine instance as you would do with any other QObject.

QObject::connect(someObj, SIGNAL(do()), machine, SLOT(ping()));
QObject::connect(machine, SIGNAL(pong()), someObj, SLOT(done()));

4. Activate the state machine
Finally, the state machine instance must be activated.


The machine will activate its initial states and will respond to incoming events (slot calls) and will care about starting timers for processing time events. You can also activate the state machine directly after initialization. But connecting signals and slots first makes sure that you won’t miss signals which are emitted before connecting them.

You can deactivate and reactivate the state machine by subsequent calls to the exit() and enter() methods.

Setting up the generator

Using the Qt/C++ code generator is as simple as using any other code generator. Create a generator configuration file – e.g. pingpong.sgen with the following content:

GeneratorModel for create::cpp::qt {

	statechart PingPong {
		feature Outlet {
			targetProject = "PingPongProject"
			targetFolder = "src/machine"

This is a minimal configuration that is required to generate state machine code. There are many other configuration options which are identical to those of the standard C++ code generator. If you activate automated build on the Eclipse project then the code will be automatically regenerated whenever you change and save the statechart. The synchronization between itemis CREATE and QtCreator works painlessly. QtCreator will ask you to update the editor contents if any opened file changed.

If the code generator is not yet installed then itemis CREATE shows error markers on the .sgen file. In this case simply install the “ itemis CREATE Qt/C++ Code Generator”. Follow the steps in How to Install More Code Generators generators.


For a quick start simply install the following example: Qt/C++ State Machine of a Traffic Light


Generating Qt specific C++ code is simple and straightforward. The generated code adapts to the Qt signal and slot concepts and thus can be easily integrated as any other Qt class.