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K release (KM5 1.1.1850)

Prototype of a DOORS NG adapter

We created an adapter for the new version of IBM DOORS, called „IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation” (DOORS NG). So far, this adapter is only a prototype with basic functionality. The adapter supports loading DOORS NG objects as artifacts and mapping certain properties of these objects to the artifacts' custom attributes. Artifacts can be filtered based on these properties. The adapter also supports loading of links between objects into YT.

DOORS NG artifacts

Currently, the DOORS NG adapter is not yet production ready and is not explained in the help document.

Native File data access now has support for files that were created for different configurations

The Native File adapter stores links in files (usually called „”) in YT’s own format. Up to now, there was no support for loading files that were created with a different configuration, even if that configuration was essentially identical to the current one. Moving or renaming the configuration also made it incompatible with these files. Now the adapter will try to automatically map artifact and link types used in a file to those in the current configuration. If this is not possible, it creates markers in the YT Issues view with quick fixes that allow for manually assigning the correct types.

Improved progress report for DOORS adapter

While loading links and artifacts, the DOORS adapter will now report its progress in more detail in the Progress view. It displays the name of the currently processed module, how many modules it has already loaded and how many it still needs to process.

Bug Fixes

Fixed issue that could prevent snapshots from being loaded correctly

In some cases, the links and artifacts of a snapshot weren’t loaded when YT was already running before opening the snapshot.