YT now reports adapter-specific information on a more detailed level, according to the individual definitions in the current YT configuration. It also reports some additional information on YT start and on extraction of traceability data into CSV files (in batch mode). Furthermore, the log messages are now reported by specific loggers depending on which area they belong to.
In more detail, the following information is logged now:
Logger com.yakindu.traceability.formalized.setup
Logger com.yakindu.traceability.formalized.dataaccess
Logger com.yakindu.traceability.formalized.artifacttype
Updated artifact type name
No of changed artifacts: number
(further adapter-specific lines in the form " caption: number")
(adapter-specific lines in the form " caption: measurement ms")
Logger com.yakindu.traceability.formalized.linktype
Updated links of type name
No of links: number
(further adapter-specific lines in the form " caption: number")
(adapter-specific lines in the form " caption: measurement ms")
Logger com.yakindu.traceability.formalized.dataextract
Logger com.yakindu.traceability.formalized.queryextract
Note that there are currently some limitations:
When you modified a text file that contains artifacts, it needs to be saved before creating text editor links. In certain rare situations, YT auto-saved text files when creating a link by drag-and-drop. This was not intended, because it might save changes that you didn’t actually intend to keep. YT now enforces manual saving of modified files also in this situation.
Execution of queries with the query function „tracesFromTo” could lead to errors when the traceability model contained cycles. This should work now.