We added a version concept to YAKINDU licenses. The driver for this change is that we want to improve the support for YT updates: Now a user or administrator can figure out whether she is eligible for an update by double-clicking the license within the YAKDINU licenses view.
The screenshot shows that the current license supports updates up to version 19.6 .
As a consequence, together with this milestone/release you need to exchange your existing license file.
The YT support will contact you proactively to support you during this exchange.
In order to support further YT updates, this exchange will be necessary with each renewal of the maintenance contract.
The YAKINDU Traceability batch mode now requires a dedicated license.
As a consequence, together with this milestone/release users of the YT batch mode need to exchange the existing license file.
The YT support will contact you proactively to support you to set up your license management.
In order to support further YT updates, this exchange will be necessary with each renewal of the maintenance contract.
YT now supports custom validations. You can specify „invalid” artifacts by YT Queries. Please refer to the help for details.
We received several requests to merge the Model Consistency and the Suspicious Links validation. The main reason was that users wanted one validation which reveals changed artifacts and deleted artifacts. Therefore, we merged this validation in the menu, the menu item Suspicious Links now triggers both validations.
Independent of the configuration of YT, YT always accesses some standard fields while extracting data from PTC Integrity (namely: summary, test, document id, contains ). As the field names may be customized within Integrity, it is up to YT now to reflect such adjustments in the YT configuration. This customization was supported for summary and text before and now also covers document id and contains .
YT can store link information within Matlab slx files. There was a bug that brackets within this link information were not escaped which carried the risk to corrupt the slx file. Now, brackets are escaped.
YT comes together with BIRT as Reporting Engine. There is a bug in the Oxygen-Release of BIRT – it does not include the BIRT preview viewer. We fixed this bug for YT Distros.
Configurations in a snapshot are immutable. Before this fix, the YT Configuration Editor suggested that the mappings were still editable.