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YET – debugging and testing state machines on target using execution traces

itemis CREATE, formerly known as YAKINDU Statechart Tools, statechart models are executable. There are many use cases that require information about the execution itself. Examples are remote debugging of state machines, execution analysis, testing, co-simulation and others. This information may be provided live during the execution or it could be used post-mortem when the execution of the system already finished. In any case this information must be explicit and it must be possible to store it persistently and provide other tools access to this information.

The YAKINDU Execution Tracing (YET) infrastructure provides open formats, protocols, and APIs. It enables interoperability between state machines which execute on a target in the one side and itemis CREATE (and other) tools on the other side.

This chapter describes some application scenarios at first and then describes how to use YET

Please be aware that YET tracing and debugging requires a Professional Edition License.
Please be aware that YET tracing and debugging is currently only supported by the C code generator.